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The Draft district Plan feedback submissions closing 6th dec 5:00PM


The Proposed District Plan submission period has concluded. You can view the summary of submissions, original submissions and further submissions received on the Proposed District Plan here.

The next step is the hearings process. Further information will be issued soon.

Topic summaries

Strategic Direction


The Proposed District Plan can be viewed on this website here. It consists of two main parts:

  • The text, which includes the objectives, policies and rules;
  • The maps, which identify which zones apply to each property, as well as any overlays or special features.

How do I find out which zones, overlays and rules apply to me?

  • Visit the web-viewer link here
  • Type in a property address to find out what zone and overlays apply to it. Then look at the text part to see the rules for the zone and overlays.
  • You can download and print the Proposed District Plan directly from the website.

Hard copies (text-only version) can be viewed at your local Council Office and Library.

District Plan Review Process

Resource Management Act Reform

The Resource Management Act 1991 was re-enacted in December 2023 by the new Coalition Government. At the same time, the previous governments new planning legislation (Spatial Planning Act and Natural and Built Environment Act) were repealed. The District Plan Review and Proposed District Plan will continue to be prepared under the Resource Management Act.

  • The Coalition Government has also signalled future reforms to the Resource Management Act, such as new infrastructure consenting, and environmental outcomes vs property rights.

No timeframes have been made available yet for these reforms.