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The Draft district Plan feedback submissions closing 6th dec 5:00PM
rural subdivision

How Should We Grow? We Want To Know!

Rural Subdivision

The subdivision of land (creating new lots/properties, moving legal property boundaries) enables properties to be owned, used and developed for different purposes. In rural areas, subdivision is typically undertaken to move boundaries when properties are sold or joined with neighbouring farms, to put an additional house on a separate property (title), or to create vacant property (lot/title) to sell to enable a new house to be built.

Rural areas contribute significantly to the economy and society in Wairarapa. With the anticipated population growth, it is more important than ever to protect rural land for production.

Increasing demand for rural land for residential use (e.g. lifestyle blocks), as well as for rural-based businesses means productive rural land blocks are being broken up.

Subdivision of land impacts on nearby sites and the surrounding environment, as well as the future use of the land.

New rural subdivision rules are proposed which protect the use of rural land for productive purposes with some opportunities for rural living.

Wairarapa Councils

What are we proposing?

Changes from the Operative District Plan ie:

Subdivision rules that apply to two rural zones with the purpose of ensuring that rural activities remain prioritised, while allowing for rural living on smaller lots in appropriate locations.

  • Allowing land to be used for rural purposes and protecting productive land from development
  • Allowing opportunities for rural lifestyle living in appropriate locations.
  • Increasing minimum lot sizes for general subdivision for primary production purposes.
  • Providing dedicated areas for small lot subdivision (for rural lifestyle living) throughout the districts.
Changes from the current plan

Subdivision rules that apply to two rural zones with the purpose of ensuring that rural activities remain prioritised, while allowing for rural living on smaller lots in appropriate locations.

  • Allowing land to be used for rural purposes and protecting productive land from development
  • Allowing opportunities for rural lifestyle living in appropriate locations.
  • Increasing minimum lot sizes for general subdivision for primary production purposes.
  • Providing dedicated areas for small lot subdivision (for rural lifestyle living) throughout the districts.

Rural Zones

Minimum lot sizes
General Rural Zone

Prioritises production activities by allowing subdivision associated with rural activities and protecting the productive land.

  • Subdivision of rural land for primary production purposes e.g. subdividing a farm
  • Boundary adjustment  
  • Subdividing off a surplus dwelling on a farm, subject to maintaining a balance of 40ha
  • Subdivision of up to two additional small allotments on any land less than 4ha within South Wairarapa and Carterton Districts, where the property is not over Highly Productive Land or other environmental overlays.

Generally, a minimum lot size of 40 ha is set. Small lot sizes down to 0.5 ha are provided for subdivision of land less than 4 ha where the property is not over Highly Productive Land or other environmental overlays.

General Rural Zone

Prioritises production activities by allowing subdivision associated with rural activities and protecting the productive land.

Minimum lot sizes
  • Subdivision of rural land for primary production purposes e.g. subdividing a farm
  • Boundary adjustment  
  • Subdividing off a surplus dwelling
  • Subdivision of up to two additional small allotments on any land less than 4ha within South Wairarapa and Carterton Districts

Generally, a minimum lot size of 40 ha is set. Small lot sizes down to 0.5 ha are provided for subdivision of land less than 4 ha and for subdividing any surplus dwelling.  

General Rural Zone

Prioritises production activities by allowing subdivision associated with rural activities and protecting the productive land.

  • Subdivision of rural land for primary production purposes e.g. subdividing a farm
  • Boundary adjustment  
  • Subdividing off a surplus dwelling
  • Subdivision of up to two additional small allotments on any land less than 4ha within South Wairarapa and Carterton Districts
Minimum lot sizes

Generally, a minimum lot size of 40 ha is set. Small lot sizes down to 0.5 ha are provided for subdivision of land less than 4 ha and for subdividing any surplus dwelling.  

Minimum lot sizes
Rural Lifestyle Zone

Provides for rural living on smaller lot sizes on the edge of the Masterton urban area. This anticipates low density residential living with some small-scale rural activities.

  • Subdivision of small allotments for rural lifestyle living
  • Boundary adjustment

A minimum lot size of 0.5 ha is set that accounts for rural lifestyle living.

Rural Lifestyle Zone

Provides for rural living on smaller lot sizes on the edge of the Masterton urban area. This anticipates low density residential living with some small-scale rural activities.

Minimum lot sizes
  • Subdivision of small allotments for rural lifestyle living
  • Boundary adjustment

A minimum lot size of 0.5 ha is set that accounts for rural lifestyle living.

Rural Lifestyle Zone

Provides for rural living on smaller lot sizes on the edge of the Masterton urban area. This anticipates low density residential living with some small-scale rural activities.

  • Subdivision of small allotments for rural lifestyle living
  • Boundary adjustment

A minimum lot size of 0.5 ha is set that accounts for rural lifestyle living.

Minimum lot sizes
Wairarapa Councils

New Subdivision Rules

Subdivision rules will prioritise rural activities by preserving large tracts of land. Some rural living on smaller lots will be allowed where appropriate.

Fig. 1 – A rural lot in the General Rural Zone before subdivision.

Fig. 1.1 – A rural lot in the General Rural Zone after subdivision.

Fig. 2 – A rural lot in the Rural Lifestyle Zone before subdivision.

Fig. 2.1 – A rural lot in the Rural Lifestyle Zone after subdivision.

Wairarapa Councils

Martinborough Soils Overlay

Unique characteristics of land surrounding Martinborough favour viticulture, which supports the town’s economy.  This land is vulnerable to rural lifestyle development. An overlay is proposed which applies subdivision and land use rules to support and enable the ongoing use of this land for viticulture by restricting other development. This overlay and its spatial extent can be viewed on the planning maps.

Highly Productive Land

Highly Productive Land is a defined term with an associated WebMap layer that relates to land containing qualities and characteristics that make it high producing and highly valuable for use in primary production. The term and the area extent are derived from the National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land.

Supporting our growing population

With the anticipated growing population, it is more important than ever to protect land for production. Wairarapa’s primary production industries include viticulture, horticulture and pastoral farming. The vibrancy and vitality of Wairarapa depends on its thriving primary production industry.

Increasing demand for rural land for residential use (e.g. lifestyle blocks), as well as for rural-based businesses means productive rural land blocks are being broken up.

Subdivision of land impacts on nearby sites and the surrounding environment, as well as the future use of the land.

Subdivision in the Rural Lifestyle Zone

The Rural Lifestyle Zone is located in the edge of the Masterton urban area and can be viewed on the planning maps. Within this area, the subdivision rules provide for smaller lots. This zone is dedicated to providing for rural lifestyle living being low density residential with small scale rural activities.  

In addition to creating small lots for rural lifestyle, the rural lifestyle zone also provides for boundary adjustments to change or correct boundaries against neighbouring properties.

Subdivision in the General Rural Zone

The General Rural Zone prioritises primary production activities. The subdivision rules support subdivision of land associated with rural use e.g. pastoral farming, viticulture, horticulture etc. The rules also provide for a dwelling on a farm to be subdivided off where it is surplus to requirements. The rules also provide for boundaries to be adjusted. This could include to account for the purchase of a neighbouring property.

While the primary purpose of the General Rural Zone is for primary production, the creation of small lots is provided for where the property is less than 4 ha. This being a property that would not otherwise be used for primary production. The rule provides for up to two small lots (down to 0.5 ha) where a minimum balance is maintained of:

  • 1.5ha – for one additional allotment
  • 2.5 ha – for two additional allotments