Wairarapa’s rich cultural and spiritual heritage is found in:
These historic resources are important as they represent linkages to the past and provide insights into the way Wairarapa’s communities and settlements have developed. They also contribute to the character and amenity values of localities, particularly where there are neighbourhoods containing relatively numerous historic heritage buildings and features.
District Councils have a responsibility to recognise and provide for the protection of historic heritage from inappropriate subdivision, use and development.
The Councils commissioned a review of the current schedule of historic heritage items and precincts in the operative District Plan. This review concluded that most of the currently scheduled heritage items be rolled over into the Proposed District Plan. Where listed items have significantly degraded and no longer have heritage value, or no longer exist, they are not included in the historic Heritage Schedule.
As part of the feedback phase for the Draft District Plan, we sought nominations for new historic heritage buildings, items or precincts. A formal assessment of the heritage values of those items undertaken and property owners consulted. As a result of this process additional items are proposed to be added to the heritage schedule.
Key differences between the Operative District Plan and the Proposed District Plan include:
Different rules apply to scheduled buildings and items, versus scheduled precincts. This change is intended to make interpretation of the rules easier.